Sunday, August 29, 2010
How Podcasting Works
We'll be doing podcasts for each of the groups' websites. So I've managed to find an article that I think gives us a clue on what podcast is and how we can do it later on.
Please put up more articles if there are more easier guidelines in creating a podcast.
P/S Don't forget to submit your Analysis of Shell's Corporate Website by 30th August
Web Most Effective Way to Reach Local Audiences Worldwide
Local websites rule while social sites on hold
Choosing Web advertising or social sites marketing? Well, this has been a quite issue especially for marketers around the world. Online marketing is growing rapidly at present, but where should the marketers spend their advertising dollar is the question.
This article is basically regarding on through social media, it is not the most effective way to reach the target audiences. Basically, the whole world perhaps has believed the power of social sites, but not the marketers in United States. They still insist on local web sites to market or advertise. It has been proven by a survey on Tactics Considered Very Effective for Reaching Customers in Local Markets conducted by Harris Interactive. Below is survey on the tactics used by US brand managers;
Websites with local content- 30%
Broadcast (TV and Radio) ads- 28%
Print (include banner) ads- 20%
Local programmes that offer products- 11%
Social media fan pages- 10%
Paid Social media- 7%
Text messages- 3%
From survey above, I can see that the most effective tactic is using websites with local content compared to 10% of social media fan pages or paid social media with 7%. The marketers in United States still hesitate with the ability of social sites actually. The main reason why social sites are not the primary methods in reaching target audiences is the issue on how to measure success. In addition, the premier reason is based on the survey on Obstacles to Overcome When Using Social Media to Reach Existing or Potential Customers in Local Markets whereby it is supported by US brand managers with 48%.
From this, I think there has been a change in direction since the start of social sites marketing even though web advertising is still thought to be an effective advertising or marketing tool in reaching audience worldwide. Michael Lazerow, CEO and Founder of Buddy Media even added that “in order for bands to effectively reach consumers across the globe, they need to heed the traditional marketing/PR maxim of thinking global and acting local.” But, trying to explain social sites is an ongoing affair. There is a need to stay current with today’s new media technologies; web sites or even the social sites. And, as for me, there are many social networking sites that we may able to take advantage of as well if we put our mind to. Most of these cost no money to try, so what are the marketers waiting for?
Nur Athiqah Bt Ahmad Dahalal
Few of the changes that might be done:
All of your suggestions will be a great pleasure for our class ;p
A Top PR Tip from Malaysia Use technology to make a reporter's job easier. by Eng Swee
A brief touch on the article that had been chosen, it is about how important the Public Relations practitioners’ to be well educate and keep up-date with the current new media technology to ensure the efficiency of the job performance and make the journalists’ work become easier.
This article has grabbed my attention because it reflects the current framework schedule of Malaysian Public Relations. They organize a press conference, giving the press such a written document (hard copy) about what’s going on, what they want the press to take note about their organization. This approach is a common technique and every Public Relations practitioner in Malaysia does their job in this way.
By reading this article, we will know that the Public Relations practitioners in other countries such as Australia, US and else are performing their job beyond our expectation. Based on the writer’s experience in visiting a press conference by the Australian Tourism board, he had surprise because it was his first time receiving a press kit that contain small CD which contain the overall information, TV advertisement, audio files and radio commercials regarding the Australian Tourism Board. By doing this, it will cut the press work time to read through every single paper rather than only open the file in the CD, get through all the file, then make an article or news. It’s easy and save the press times. Other than that, the materials that have been included in the CD are easily being converted to other media such as print to broadcast media, online and audio media immediately.
Our world is changing from day to day, and of course our lifestyle either job structure will be change. As a future Public Relations practitioners to be (for all class mate MC22S5C), please be up-grade and use new media tools to make our task and job become easier.
Summarize by,
Nur Athifah Tatiana Bt Jumahat
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Learning in A virtual World-games in education
sharina azirah ismail@shery
Learning in A Virtual World
Monday, August 23, 2010
Huloo :)
Don't forget, Miss Anusha nak tengok our websites (in progress punya) on the 30th of August!
Two websites to help us..
Kk, tata and good luck!! :)
Much love <3
Aleza :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
New Media, New Influencers and Implications for the Public Relations Profession
Whether we are ready or not, we need to confront the astounding array of new communication channels. This is all about to keep pace with the new changing trend and to be well-equipped public relations practitioners. This is important as we do not want to hear the strategic publics called us ‘laggards’ which simply mean that we are not willing to change when change is needed.
There are three (3) keywords that we need to understand regarding this journal which is the new media that refers to Internet-based social media tools such as the blogs, podcasts, online video and also social networks. Secondly, is about the influencer which refers to the evolving traditional media that need to keep pace to the new style of marketing. And the third keyword is implications towards public relations profession. Take note on that as we are the future Public Relations Practitioners =)
This journal is really fascinating as it discussed about what are the new media implications towards public relations profession. It identifies the influencers of the media, learning how to communicate and create relationship with the changes, the ability of social media to create influences on others and last but not least to understand how it affects us.
The research shows that blogs are the most online tools that organizations used in their campaigns. The tools followed by blogs, online video, social networks, podcasting, photo sharing and others. Social media is also one of interesting research area that being discussed in the journal. It stated that fifty-seven percent of respondents said that social media tools are becoming more valuable to their activities as more customers and influencers use them. That includes Facebook, Myspace, and even Flickrs which certainly are familiar among us.
Another thing inside the journal is about the criteria of a good bloggers. If you decide to be one of them, you should consider about the quality of the blog content, the relativity of the content to your company, web search engine rankings, name recognition, frequency of posting and figure out about it in the full text of the journal. Who knows you may responsible on your company blogs? Certainly this will be so helpful later on. The research also answered few other questions that related to the effectiveness of the new media whereby you can read it in the link that I have already provided above.
In conclusion, social media is rapidly becoming a core channel for disseminating information whereby public relations and corporate communication professionals should make full use of it especially in reaching variety of targeted audiences. For that reason, public relations practitioners should know the potential and relevance of each media as a channel for their company communication. By doing so, it will enhance relationships with key audiences, improve the reputation of their businesses, drive customer awareness of their online activities and to solicit customer comments and feedback.
Mohd Kamarul Ariffin Bin Ismail,
2009 87 3422
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Attention People!
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence
Now we are entering new media where is media become more powerful. We are using all kinds of new media technologies tools everywhere. For example, we are using cell phones not only for communication. But we also use cell phones to play game, download information from internet, sharing photos and also text messages.
Media convergence also give impact on the way we use media. In student's life, they tend to do their homework and cope with four or five window, scanning the web, lookong for information, chatting with their friends, listening and downloadinf MP3.
Media convergence is more than corporate branding opportunity. It symbolizes a reconfiguration ofmedia power and reform of media visual and economics. In our daily life, we are using internet to share our goals and objectives. Why we are using Facebook in our daly life? It is because we share the same interest, goals and objectives which is looking for old and new friends.
Media companies are learning how to speed up the flow of media content across delivery channels to expand revenue oppurtunities,broaden markets and reinforce viewer commitments. Consumers are learning how to use these different technologies to bring the flow of media more fully under their control to interact with other users.
Media convergence will help to avoid kneejerk or monolithic formulations and to imagine new posible relations with corporate and government interest. Actually media convergence helps government and organization to commnicate and interact with potential prospect and target audience. Media convergnece bring us close to relations with organization or government.
Media convergence also make PR practitioners work effectively and faster. New media technologies help a lot of people in terms of work, time consuming and energy
Prepared by :
Masliza binti Mansor
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
New media technology and youth: Trends in the evolution of new media.
Retrieved from:
An information environment is emerging from the simultaneous, rapid, and interconnected evolution of transmission systems, interfaces, and content quantity, quality, and structure. It will be easy to underestimate the collective impact of the sum of these changes on how young people communicate and absorb information. Ultimately, it will be more important to understand how these technologies will facilitate, amplify, or alter the cognitive processes and/or social behavior of the Internet generation.
The article analyzes the impact of the following trends on media use and cognition among youthful users:
• Information expansion and overload: Accessible networked information will continue to grow at a rapid pace for at least the next 10–20 years.
• Rapid increase in interface diffusion: The number of access points into the Internet is expanding in number, variety, and mobility.
• Evolution toward more embodied computing: Interfaces are evolving to use more of the sensorimotor system to transfer information to and from the user.
• The evolution of more intelligent sensors to interpret use behavior and intentions.
• Evolution toward anthropomorphic agent techniques: Computers are evolving to use more social and interpersonal communication techniques to interact with the user.
There are couples of angel that should be discuss here:
• Trends in technological development
• Information expansion and overload: Accessible networked information will continue to grow at a nonlinear pace for at least the next 10–20 years.
Summarize by:
Mohd Firdaus Bin Mohd Isa
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Future of Media Relations
Most technologies described as "new media" are digital, often having characteristics of being manipulated, networkable, dense, compressible, interactive and impartial. Some examples may be the Internet, websites, webcasts, podcasting, RSS, computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMS, and DVDs. New media is not television programs, feature films, magazines, books, or paper-based publications unless they contain technologies that enable digital interactivity, such as graphic tags containing web-links.
In this globalization era, new media technology has given us lots of advantages and makes us easy in doing our work. This article stated few of the advantages on new media:
1. As tools become available and practitioners learn to use them to do their jobs better, faster and less expensively. With online media databases and push-button mass mailing, practitioners can single-handedly run a large press campaign today, and this will not change.
2. With shrinking traditional media and rising online communications, such as blogging, and with millions of humans in many cultures venting opinions, monitoring has moved to a core of media relations.
3. In an age of instant messaging and e-mail, practitioners get news stories hours or days earlier from the Web and can respond before the printed version appears. Reporters find web publishing as acceptable as appearance on newsprint, glossy magazine stock or the evening news.
4. With “talk-back” sections in online newspapers and community-generated news, practitioners have more opportunity to speak out but comparatively less credibility
5. Perhaps the most important trend in communications of content is cost. The internet has collapsed the cost of publishing.
As for me, technologies do make our life easier. Everything that we do now is related to the new media. For example, we got frequently updated with new information regarding about classes or anything on facebook from our class rep, Fitri. As I remembered last semester in Editorial Page class with Encik Nizam, all of us has to email our news writing to him.
New media technology is anywhere now. Every organizations or individuals seem to apply this method and make it as normal. Easiest example, do you have an handphone with camera, internet access, 3G and everything? That’s considering as new media technology too. I have one. See, technology makes life easier and faster. No doubt J
Summarized by,
Hetti Dayana Ismail
MC 22 5C
Jeff Jarvis: Openness and the Internet
Friday, August 13, 2010
iRiver Story : A library that goes with you.

built-in memory which can store up to 1,500 e-books.

iRiver Story is a portable e-book reader that utilizes the E-ink film display technology. It is designed to provide the same experience as reading on printed paper. You can read your favorite books and various contents as much as you like.
EASY TO HOLD: The Story is really thin and is slightly bigger than a typical book.iRiver Story supports e-Pub as well as Adobe PDF. It is especially useful for businessmen who travel frequently as it also supports Microsoft Office files.
You can read up to 30 books (3-4 hours day for a week) as special E-ink display consumes power only when pages are turned.
Also you can listen to music for 24 hours and record voice for 5 hours. The battery life may vary according on file size.
iRiver story features MP3 playback and allows you to listen to music as well as audio books. You can also use it as a voice recorder.
If you are a comic book fan, you no longer have to carry comic books in your bag. iRiver Story features an SD card slot for additional storage up to 32GB SDHC allowing users to store as much contents as they like.
iRiver Story features a simple design with its display bezel in the shape of a dish. This design extends users’ emotional attachment and provides a natural grip as well as a sleek look.
Pros: Can store a lifetime worth of books in your pocket; easy to use; nice screen; supports various e-book and Office document formats; long battery life; plays music and records voice.
Cons: Stiff page turn buttons; built-in keyboard not really useful; pricey.
Maizatul Syahirah Binti Noordin