Saturday, July 31, 2010

How Twitter is Changing Public Relations

Title: How Twitter is Changing Public Relations

Retrieved from:

The latest trend in new media technology that public relations practitioners are currently using to connect and build relationships with the public is Twitter. It's a communication tool that is considered to be simple as it provides a service of micro-blogging that uses 140 characters per message. This article discusses on how Twitter could revamp the world of public relations as it provides a platform to maintain good public relations between an organization and its publics.

The article started with the notion that public relations have defied all the predictions and views of social media analysts by stating that public relations is alive and kicking especially with the emergence of Twitter where according to the writer, has minimized the gap between social media and the public relations industry. Twitter has redefined the techniques being used in public relations as it can communicate to a wider audience through the distribution of traditional public relations tools such as press releases or promoting the organization's events in a faster rate.

Apart from that, Twitter is widely used by the public relations practitioners working in major organizations ranging from Starbucks, Ford Motors, McDonald's, Dell and PepsiCo where they are using Twitter to instantaneously answer the customers' questions about the organization and to market and promote their products or services. Public relations practitioners should also be aware that Twitter can be a site which could provide the information on the public's likes or dislikes of the products or services. It is especially important in the world of branding where the success and failure of a brand is determined on how proactive the public relations practitioners communicate with the public through influencing the customers to be more supportive and loyal to the product or service.

Finally, the article discussed on how Twitter could educate the public relations practitioners through following and communicating with the public which ranges from the organization's customers, adversaries or those who are considered to be key influence leaders in Twitterverse. Those who are working in public relations must always take the initiative to learn what the public wants and needs and learn new ideas and innovations that could improve the organization he or she is working for. Twitter is a great asset for any organization especially in its public relations strategy where it provides a stage to build new and lasting relationships, neutralize crisis communication between the public and the organization and finally create and promote publicity campaigns, products and services.

As with any social media tools, Twitter can also pose a threat to those who are using it. Present and future public relations practitioners should be aware that Twitter can be a complicated and dangerous communication tool as it could speed up any harmful information leaks and destroys an organization's reputation due to its immediacy and volume nature. This could be avoided if the public relations practitioners as well as the leaders of a company create an employee code of conduct while using Twitter where it could educate the employees on what they can or cannot write on the site.


Asil Binti Esaam Ghebllawi


Friday, July 30, 2010

Social Customer Relationship Management

Hey guys

Check this link out and see how PR bloggers get together and discuss on new media, new tools and even new audiences. This particular post is about the interview between the writer and Jacob Morgan who is a thought leader in social business. They discussed on how PR can fit in the social Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and how it is different with traditional CRM.

Enjoy reading this post and please post your comments on what you think about this subject.

Have a good day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The New Social Media Press Release

In this article, it tells about how the Communication field now has emerge to a new high technology whereby not only people communicate through the net to receive information but now, this new mediatechnologies is a new way for Public Relations Practitioner to distribute press release about upcoming event. Since now the world is revaluating in a new media technology era, thus for those practitioners and public relations agencies, they must re think on how they should deliver and re format the way of news to its public audience.

New Media technology is now considered the easiest way and fastest way for a public relations practitioner to reach their audience, and because of that New Social Media Press Release was inspired by Tom Foremski from the Silicon Valley Watcher. This new social media press release could be the next generation in delivering news for online distribution and publication such as blogs, social networking sites, RSS Feeds and other more similar mediums. With its fast ability to share news, images, audio, and video widely it is more functional rather than using the traditional press release whereby you would have to use along with hype and also the marketing skills. However through new media press release, a button away explains and focus on relevant pertinent facts and the hyperlinked format will appeal to bloggers and also to online journalist thus giving the public audience information by providing them images, videos, visually oriented content, various multimedia elements that is easily to understand and easily adaptable and re usable.

As the internet now has become a daily routine in everyday’s life, social media press release is believe to be a more faster way of distribution and will receive wider broadcast than the old school public relations. In fact, 50 percent of consumer agreed that having to create a press release online has its own benefits as it also share the content online and as it readily available and easy to access, not only reporters and publics will be interested but also other companies would also have the chance to receive any message directly. Hence, another good side of social media press release is that it also acts as a direct marketing engine whereby, it headlines, title tags, ticker, symbols could be links to other web content such as blogs and other related articles which also helps the company to have a boost in Google, Yahoo and other kind of search engines. Public Relations field will take full advantage by using this tactics of using new social media press to make people notice and it is a savvy for the firm. Hence, the new media press release will also lead people to more examples, templates and also ongoing conversation on any pros and cons.


Ameira Nur Iliany Bt Ibrahim


Saturday, July 24, 2010

7 Habits of Highly Effective PR

The article:

The article 7 Habits of Highly Effective Blog PR explains about the effective way of using a blog as a PR. Using blogs in PR is highly important too as it is one of the new way of reaching to the audiences. In the article, it is shown that blogs are powerful too. From the article, “As the mass media descends into semi-irrelevance, blogging is ascending. Blogs have driven US Senator Lott from power, outed a GOP flack who was asking softball questions for Bush during press conferences and working as a gay escort at night, and caused a CNN executive to resign for remarks at an international conference. Even the journalism school at the University of California, Berkeley, now plans to offer a graduate-level course in blogs”. This paragraph shows how powerful blogs are. Blogs are easily reachable as everyone has access to it and it is just a click away.

In this article, it is said that branding executives need to pay attention to blogs. For example, blogs can be used to distribute a company’s story. Blogs also can be used as crisis communications tool. Furthermore, blogs are used to provide insights about a company or a product they are selling. These are incredibly true, as blogs are easily reached by the people. Not only is it reachable locally but internationally as well.

From this article, it is mainly about the rules for highly effective blog PR. There are 7 rules and they are never pitch, personalize, respect a blogger’s time and intelligence, “a blog is not about you, it’s about me”, quality, not quantity, feed the food chain, it’s no longer about the media and keep learning. These 7 habits showed how much bloggers are important for a PR to inform the target audience about the company, product or others. A practitioner now must not only build good relationships with the media but also to bloggers as well. From this article, it can be seen that bloggers are somewhat journalists as they write about something and people can read through the internet.

As the popular saying “It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality”, this is true as practitioners must send out their stories that are worth reading and also, that is worth the blogger’s time. Practitioners must need to understand and know how to attract bloggers as now, this is the new way to attract and inform audiences. The traditional media is not everything now as the new way of informing has emerged, practitioners need to grab the opportunity to fully understand and utilize these new technologies like blogging, websites, podcasting and others.

Aleza Nadia Othman

Article/Case Study 1- Blogging



As the technology became more important in the business sector, it becomes more important in the public relations sector, companies racing to take advantage of the new media technology today. From this article it discuss how one tools of the new media technology: blogging became more and more important to public relations each year. Public relations in the digital age requires understanding how is your key constituents are getting and sharing information and then influencing them at key points.

Blogging has somehow become a trend in business today, blogging can be consider as more influential and personal to lure customers as well as investors. Blogging can be a very effective tool for your company or even you as an individual. Just be sure your blog is real without making it a blatant advertisement or your message will be transparent and your blog won't be read, in the article it stated “In a world of fragmented media, employees’ online diaries can be a seductive way to lure customers into conversations.” By reading blog, people would feel the sentimental value towards the company, so this would help their decision to become a customer in your company. According to the article, blogs is sticky, readers check back several times a day and posts get linked to other sites amplifying their impact.

Usually in personal blog, readers will become follower to the blog and will check back several times to see if there any new post, same goes to company blog, customer will check again and again to see if they any latest news, deal, promotion, package and more, in this way they will update themselves to your company’s development. Blogging are also efficient, employees as well as the customers can post questions and get instant feedback, so there is no need to call the organization, all they need to do is ask on the blog, but some company’s blog provide frequently asked questions (FAQs), this would help them to find answer to their question. Most important about blog in public relations sector is the blog s free of charge, so it would help in advertising the company without the penny, employees also takes advantage of these blogs to get to know their company better as well as interact with readers.

Blogging also improve the corporate image of a company. Also reflecting from the article, employees are encourage to blogging as it may give advantage to the company, as the modern era has arrive, the internet has became a powerful persuading tools in public relations practice, employees can use blogs to reflect on their company they work for and also interact with current and potential customers. Easy example I would take here is Tony Fernandez, the Chief executive officer (CEO) of Air Asia, he shares everything is his blog, this would help him not just to create a mutual understanding with his customers, but also advantage to the image of the company itself, and also for the use of the media to track him daily. Tony Fernandez is known with his great vision, visitors would adore his writings, apart from that, and latest deal from Air Asia is also in his blog. As a conclusion, blogging have change the public relations practice today, many employees as well as companies make blogging as one of their strategy in their business. Blog is somehow a trend today, and it claim, blog has become one of the tools for public relations practice today in the new media technology.




Here We Go

Here it is.
MC2225C's first ever blog and it's running in full gear :)

First and foremost, welcome to The New Media Handbook which is the gateway towards discovering the phenomena that New Media and Technology has created for us all including the wonderful world of public relations.

PR firms and practitioner take advantage of the opportunities that new media can provide them with so that they can communicate directly to the public. It is hoped that this blog could provide this class an interactive education on what new media and technology could do for us especially when we will embark on a journey towards interning/working with future organizations that require us to be tech savvy in the PR functions.

Thank you Miss Anusha for giving us the inspiration to create a blog and learn about this subject through researching on the case studies and articles regarding new media and technology for PR. Hope you will enjoy reading this blog and please correct us if we make any mistakes whatsoever.

Have a ravishing weekend everyone!