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The real rises of new media technology were actually starts in 1960’s whereby at the moment people start to use the computer. It had became new trend when the technology is expanding and people use it in their daily routine, thus everything starts to change and the increased use in many aspects of communicating in the new media usage and the Internet itself. People are communicating, exchanging idea, gathered information aggressively through the Internet and this new media help drastically people to interact.
In business world, the rise of new media helps in expanding the business and the usage of the technology contributes a lot, they use the internet to promote the product, find customer in social network; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, email and etc. Thus they can easily reached the audiences and the use of social networking is relevant because today people did not spent much time on reading newspaper, but they more prefer on surfing the net. It is cheaper, save money and time and with one click, they can get all kind on information needed.
Written that anything that is considered old media, such as television, film or paper-based products are not part of new media because the new media is something that already being innovated by the technology and example email; people in workplace preferable to be contacted through the email rather than letter because it is more convenient and official. Corporate world were highly use this rapid new media technology daily especially for video conference, emailing, social networking, website, blogging and many more.
As a public relations student I do agree and suggested the usage of this new media were aggressively applied in any organizations because of the importance and the beneficial toward the audience itself. But I think that we still have to read to old media; television and newspaper instead only focusing on online media, sometimes the news is reported differ in every version thus to get the best and accurate once, referring to both type of media is the best solution that can be applied on.
I believe the media innovation will growth aggressively daily, thus we need to aware and know to use each new media application so that we knew what are actually happened around us. This is important especially for a public relations practitioner to major in this phenomenon; this is a part of our task to be major on.
yeayy berjaya upload...hahaha...;D
ReplyDelete1960 people start to use, 50 years new media technology was wonder internet has a lot of changes and people nowadays had a lot of knowledge about computer.. by increasing the new technology it easy for us to get all the information through internet and use computer to acess that...:)