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According to Dee Rambeau, person who write this articles said that everybody or mostly people around the world have to agree that Internet-enabled nowadays. Networked audiences will force to change their communication industry whether they like or not to get the effective and fastest communication. He had listed the tools for an effective online communications strategy. There are six of them. Before he discuss about the tools, he told us to assume that two keys thing about the strategies. First, all online content publishing and management had been done by the professional and second, all media assets, contacts and contents are stored in the server environment design to suit the needs of the company. The six tools of a strategic online communications strategies are:
1. A Corporate Website - which is the best medium for all external audiences.
2. A Media Room - Place that all information gathered for the audiences and be easier when it link direct to the company website.
3. A Blog - As a supplement and to enhance the website.
4. A Crisis Site - As one-stop resource site for both internal and external audiences when crisis occurs.
5. A Corporate Intranet - A vital tools for internal communications, both in times normalcy and in times of chaos and also allow for dynamic learning, training and presentation.
6. A Client Extranet - The company gives access to secure area for its clients and customers for collaboration among account team members, for managing clients billings and for commerce if so required but protected by password.
By developing an understanding of the use of these tools, PR professional truly can call themselves web-enabled.

Nur Syahida Hamid
i had read your article..i agree with your article about the corporate website..basically, website should be updated and pr should also updated their media column. sometimes, I found that they do not update their information. it hard for us as a student to get the new information.