Monday, September 27, 2010
Starbucks Formula for Social Media Success
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Effective Strategies for Online PR

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Online Memo
Media relations: How to make it BOOM!
date: 27. September.2010
time: 9.00
venue: UiTM International Centre (UIC)
Speakers: Datuk Mior Kamarul Shahid ( Chief Executive editor Berita Harian)
: Mr Dzalman Dato Zainal (Manager Group Corporate Comm)
Miss baby had give us permission to attend that event... attendance will b taken during that event... :)
Thank You...
by, Sharina Azirah Bt Ismail (2009643084)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Have you Heard of Napping Mask?

Monday, September 13, 2010
Dear Friends........
20. September.2010 = new media class- website progress
= pr counseling - meeting
= pr campaign - mid term test
Homework: pr campaign report - submit on 27.september.2010
from: sharina@shery...
( ass. class rap+treasure+ new secretary hahhahahaa.....)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Learning in A virtual World-games in education
You can also meet and date people online. It is an interactive platform to socialize and mingle with people. It includes cool music, refreshing environment and awesome ambiance where you can enjoy yourself. Virtual worlds are created with different purposes. Some of them are dedicated only towards gaming; here people who have the craze for games can experience the joy of three dimensional gaming. On the other hand some virtual worlds are created for a variety of purposes, where you can not only make friends but also socialize.
Avatars are one of the attractive features of virtual world; they give you an identity once you acquire membership to the site. Avatars can be changes from time to time; they can fly, swim, talk, walk and run. There are homes, shopping malls, dancing clubs and gardens created in the virtual so as to keep the participants excited. The world feels like a strange new frontier, populated with a scene (e.g., a landscape), 3D objects (e.g., billboards, boxes, benches), other avatars, and a user interface that would impress science fiction fans. It figuring out how to move, look around, and interact with others is not intuitive for most users.
Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty:The Benefits for Students
Fear and uncertainty are barriers to learning. Some people worry that they are already challenged to learn a host of new concepts while acquiring the desired course competencies. Adding the complexity of a new software tool increases their perception of risk, and they need to see the benefits and how the instructor will manage the risks.
Virtual world learning experiences are fun. Students can create content, using built-in tools to construct their ideas as a form of virtual doodling. These 3D objects and models can express their ideas.
The class experience is lively, engaging, and rich with social networks, interaction, and expression. Students are not passive. Their time spent is productive, allowing the instructor to provide feedback as they draft their ideas and conduct activities.
Moreover, the benefits are include discovering new ways to study, discuss, create, and express the course subject under the supervision and support of the instructor. In virtual worlds, the instructor’s role shifts from being the “sage on the stage” to being the domain expert—the authority who stimulates and supervises exploration while providing structure, guidance, feedback, and assessment.
Virtual Worlds, Enhanced Learning.
The use of virtual worlds expands on the campus-based and online classrooms, enhancing learning experiences. Classes in virtual worlds offer opportunities for visualization, simulation, enhanced social networks, and shared learning experiences. Some people learn best by listening to the course content, others by seeing and visualizing the content in context, and the rest by using a hands-on approach to demonstrate course competencies. In virtual worlds, we can leverage a mix of content and activity to support all learners: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
Finally, virtual worlds support these different learning styles and give students opportunities to explore, discover, and express their understanding of the subject. Naturally, the tool’s capabilities do not guarantee a great learning experience. The success of a course depends on effective course design, delivery, and assessment. Course designers, instructors, and IT professionals are challenged to create stimulating content, deliver it reliably, and ensure a stable virtual world learning environment.
Impact of New Media Technology On Society

Hey everyone,
Zac Fitri :p
Facebook, Twitter and Other Social Media Are More Used Than E-mail, Surveys Suggest

Retrieved from
That's the official word from a new round of Nielsen research, which shows "member communities" such as Twitter and Facebook have overtaken personal e-mail to become the fourth-most-popular way people spend time online (after search, portals and software applications).
While there are plenty of facts and figures to back up the claim, it seems a little like old news. As fast as e-mail is, it's just not immediate enough. Seeing a message pop into an inbox just doesn't compare to receiving a tweet on Twitter or even a comment on Facebook.
And social media is good for you. It forces you to get to the point. We don't read e-mail, we scan it. Why unleash a 1,000-word diatribe when you can sum it up in 140 characters?
And what would a Nigerian scam be without e-mail? "My father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan, the economic capital of Ivory Coast before he was poisoned to death ..." just wouldn't have the same impact posted on a Facebook wall.
E-mail is still king at the office, but we're all embracing social media and other forms of communication. Sometimes, we still actually talk to each other!
Rayaaaaa :)
Selamat Hari Raya in advance darlings :)
Much much love,
Alezaaaaaaa :)
Privacy: A Public Concern
Over the years, as the Internet has become increasingly popular, internet privacy has become more and more of an issue. Technology is a two edged-sword. While it can allow you to instantly retrieve information from around the world, it can also allow criminals to track your every move online: from the website you browse to the files you download.
Why is so much of the recent attention to privacy issues focused on Internet privacy when consumers have had privacy concerns long before they started doing business online? Certainly, the current hype surrounding the Internet in general has contributed to the buzz. These days, anything that happens online seems much more exciting than things going on in the "real" world. But in the case of online privacy, I think there is some substance behind the hype.
The Internet and computerized databases make automated collection and processing of information particularly easy and convenient. In fact, for the typical Website operator, it's easier to collect information about Web site visitors than to figure out how to configure a Web server not to collect that information.
As a result, there are now zillions of databases silently collecting mostly innocuous "click-stream" data from everyone who surfs on by. But when these databases are merged, and especially when click-stream data is combined with personally identifiable data that users type in when filling out online forms, Web surfers may be profiled in ways that raise serious privacy concerns. Imagine, for example, if employers started inferring health information about their employees (or prospective employees) based on information about visitors to medical-related or health-related Websites.
These are few terms that you’re might recognized but you don’t know what their tribulations are.
The word cookies may bring back memories of Grandma's chocolate-chip treats, but on the internet it's quite different. Internet cookies are little tools that websites can use to track your surfing patterns and recognize you when you come back to visit. While this can be helpful which sites such as provide book recommendations and suggestions, it can also be used for evil. When used wrongly, cookies can be used to track and trace personal information. Identity thieves use this to hijack your good reputation and run up huge bills on your account.
Spyware are little pieces of software that can be picked up by surfing any website or downloading files. These programs can track a huge variety of personally identifiable information, from login information to financial sites to credit card and banking details. Hackers can then use this information to steal money from you or even sell it to others for that purpose.
In the past, only dubious-looking websites would give you spyware, but now many people are creating legitimate-looking tools that appear to be harmless. However, once downloaded, they infiltrate your system and expose you to identity theft.
While installing virus-protection and anti-spyware software is critically important, it will not protect you from all dangers. The only way you can be 100% sure no one is tracking you is to surf the web anonymously through internet proxy services. Proxies stand as a middleman between you and the web, retrieving the pages you request and passing them along to you. This way, no evildoers can pinpoint your geographic location or trace you down in any way.
Therefore, we should be more courteous with anything we are living,using,spending,playing and also being ;p
Munirah Nasri
Facebook Fan Pages Are Effective Marketing Tool

Retrieved from
- Made 36 percent more visits to DG's stores each month.
- Spent 45 percent more of their eating-out dollars at DG.
- Spent 33 percent more at DG's stores. Had 14 percent higher emotional attachment to the DG brand.
- Had 41 percent greater psychological loyalty toward DG.
So, in a nutshell it can be concluded that Facebook fan pages:
• Can be very effective in increase sales, word-of-mouth marketing and customer loyalty
• Totally free and easy to set up.
• It can be quite rewarding and doesn't require a huge deal of effort.
• Have a greater opportunity to post contact details, a few photos graphics, videos and content detail as to what you're involved in.
• While posting specials promotional blurbs or posting product highlights regularly it is actually offers a great way to boost sales.
• Great way to stay in touch with your email newsletter subscriber list in between issues.
• Summaries and links are a great way to drive traffic to the pages and generate conversation. It’s all about creating value for fans to make the updates is something they feel is worthwhile to appear in their own feeds.
MOHD FITRI GHAZALI, 2009696666, MC 2225c
Happy Holidays!
To those who are still on the list to upload your summary, please don't forget to do so even if it's during the holidays. Please also make sure that everyone comments on something or just upload any New Media articles that would be helpful for us all.
Have a great holiday and Eid Mubarak to all you :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
What is New Media Technology?
retrieve from:
The real rises of new media technology were actually starts in 1960’s whereby at the moment people start to use the computer. It had became new trend when the technology is expanding and people use it in their daily routine, thus everything starts to change and the increased use in many aspects of communicating in the new media usage and the Internet itself. People are communicating, exchanging idea, gathered information aggressively through the Internet and this new media help drastically people to interact.
In business world, the rise of new media helps in expanding the business and the usage of the technology contributes a lot, they use the internet to promote the product, find customer in social network; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, email and etc. Thus they can easily reached the audiences and the use of social networking is relevant because today people did not spent much time on reading newspaper, but they more prefer on surfing the net. It is cheaper, save money and time and with one click, they can get all kind on information needed.
Written that anything that is considered old media, such as television, film or paper-based products are not part of new media because the new media is something that already being innovated by the technology and example email; people in workplace preferable to be contacted through the email rather than letter because it is more convenient and official. Corporate world were highly use this rapid new media technology daily especially for video conference, emailing, social networking, website, blogging and many more.
As a public relations student I do agree and suggested the usage of this new media were aggressively applied in any organizations because of the importance and the beneficial toward the audience itself. But I think that we still have to read to old media; television and newspaper instead only focusing on online media, sometimes the news is reported differ in every version thus to get the best and accurate once, referring to both type of media is the best solution that can be applied on.
I believe the media innovation will growth aggressively daily, thus we need to aware and know to use each new media application so that we knew what are actually happened around us. This is important especially for a public relations practitioner to major in this phenomenon; this is a part of our task to be major on.